На всех рейсах зарегистрированный багаж провозится бесплатно, за исключением tap|discount. Если это так, пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что Вы сможете приобрести эту услугу на следующем этапе.
Если вы путешествуете с зарегистрированным багажом, и у вас стыковочный рейс в Бразилии, США или Канаде, не забудьте получить свой багаж для прохождения таможенного контроля в этих странах. После этого, пожалуйста, следуйте инструкциям и пройдите в пункт трансфера багажа.
Earn miles with Jetblue
Find out how you can earn miles travelling on this airline.
All you have to do to collect miles is book a flight with JetBlue. If you book online and indicate your TAP Miles&Go number your miles will be credited automatically.
Make sure that the name on your ticket is the same as that registered in your TAP Miles&Go Account and that the flight and fare are eligible for earning miles. If you have forgotten to indicate your TAP Miles&Go Customer Number you can access your TAP Miles&Go profile and claim your miles.
If the name on your ticket is not the same as that registered for your TAP Miles&Go Account, please contact the TAP Miles&Go Service Centre with your ID at hand to claim your miles from the partner.
Have a good trip!
Spend miles with JetBlue
By flying with this airline, you not only earn miles but you can also use your miles on offers and promotions.
- Award Ticket - All you have to do is choose the dates and embark on your dream trip.
TAP Miles&Go Customers have the opportunity to experience Jetblue’s award-winning service on both domestic and international routes so that you can enjoy Mint cabin on select transcontinental and transatlantic flights, offering lie-flat seats, private suites, and an artisanal dining experience. For international travelers, JetBlue offers direct flights to London, Paris, and Amsterdam, connecting TAP Miles&Go Customers in Europe and the U.S.
Award Tickets with Jetblue’s flights are not combinable with other partner flights nor TP flights.