Time to Think: Save the price of your trip

Did you see an attractive price for your flight? Save it for up to 10 days, without obligation, and decide with peace of mind. Complete your booking when you are ready.

Important information

Time to Think is offered to passengers who have at least seven days between the time of booking and the departure of their desired flight.Time to Think est offert aux passagers ayant au moins sept jours entre le moment de la réservation et le départ de leur vol souhaité.

How Time to Think works

Time to Think is an exclusive option available only during the online booking process. When you find an attractive price for your flight, you can select this option to lock in the price shown and give yourself extra time to decide.

You can choose to pre-book the flight for 48h, 5 days or 10 days, depending on your needs, starting from 6 EUR / 7 USD / 9CAD. The pre-booking price may vary depending on the time in advance of the purchase, as well as the trip date, origin and destination.

If you decide to proceed with your reservation within the pre-booking period, the price and conditions remain unchanged. If you do not take any action by the end of the chosen period, the pre-order will automatically expire.

Secure your flight price in three steps

1 - Simulate flight

2 - Save the booking

Once you have selected your desired fare and price, you will be given the opportunity to save your booking. Choose the time you need from the available deadlines.

3 - Complete the booking

When you want to complete your booking choose one of the following options and follow the respective steps: