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Terms and Conditions Miles&Go Programme
TAP Miles&Go Programme—Terms and Conditions
1. The TAP Miles&Go Programme
2. TAP Miles&Go Programme Regulations
3. TAP Miles&Go Miles
4. TAP Miles&Go Programme—Customers
5. Joining the TAP Miles&Go Programme
6. TAP Miles&Go Programme—Membership Termination
7. TAP Miles&Go Customer Number and TAP Miles&Go Customer Card
8. TAP Miles&Go Status
9. Mileage Accrual
10. Mileage Credit
11. Validity
12. Prizes and Benefits
13. TAP Air Portugal flight benefits for TAP Miles&Go status
14. Appointing a Gold Partner
15. Club TAP Miles&Go
16. Miles&Go Promo
17. TAP Store
18. Bookings
19. Issuing Miles Tickets (MilesOnly and Miles&Cash) on TAP
20. Miles Tickets (children) on TAP
21. TAP Guardian Tickets
22. Service Fees
23. Spending Miles on Star Alliance and Airline Partners
24. Miles Tickets for the Star Alliance Network
25. Tickets with TAP Miles&Go Programme Partners
26. Round-the-world trip tickets
27. Refunds
28. Miles Upgrades on TAP
29. Miles Upgrade with Star Alliance
30. Services offered by selected TAP Miles&Go Programme partners
31. E-news and Direct Emails
32. Miles Store
33. Processing of Customers' personal data
34. TAP Miles&Go Account—Confidentiality Protection
35. Other Legal Provisions
36. Program Terms of Use via flyTAP
37. Internet Services
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