
Earn miles with Cotação.
With TAP Miles&Go you earn before the trip even begins!
Take advantage of our Quote exchange solutions and earn Miles&Go miles!

For every $1,000 (or the equivalent in other currencies) purchased on the same date with the same Tax Payer Registration Number, you earn 800 Miles&Go miles.

To earn your miles, simply request them when purchasing a foreign currency!

Earn miles with Cotação

US$1,000 (or the equivalent in other currencies)
800 miles

Terms and Conditions

  1. Credit is only possible upon indication of your TAP Miles&Go Customer Number at the time of the currency purchase;
  2. The partnership is valid only for purchases made through Trading Desk (4002-1010) or Quotation Stores;
  3. The mileage credit to the Customer account is not reversible;
  4. The mileage credit request must be made within 6 months of the activity date and it will be completed within 90 days at most.