Electronic Passports

Learn how to use electronic passports here and avoid waiting in line.
All European Union citizens 18 years of age or older who hold an electronic passport can use the electronic border control devices at the main Portuguese airports.

If you are traveling within the Schengen area, avoid lines at passport control by using the Automatic Recognition of Passengers Identified by Documents (RAPID) system.

How to use the service

It is very quick and easy to use an electronic passport. Follow these steps. 

  • Open your electronic passport and insert it into the device face down. Wait while it is scanned;
  • When the door opens, you can remove the passport and step forward;
  • Stand on the yellow circle on the floor and look straight ahead into the mirror;
  • Step forward and go on your way when the second door opens.

Do not

  • Cover your face;
  • Wear a hat;
  • Use a mobile phone or other electronic device;
  • Wear sunglasses.

Advantages of electronic passports

TAP passengers using this means of identification get: 

  • Secure identification;
  • Protection from identity theft and improper use of the document;
  • Protection from attempts to modify the document;
  • The satisfaction of helping detect forged or altered documents.