A signature cuisine restaurant located in Odeceixe, run by chef Hugo Nascimento, and known for using local and seasonal products. The restaurant works with a tasting menu, where you can choose between the full experience (7 moments) or the shorter menu (4 moments).
Opening hours
From 7 pm to 10 pm. Closed on Mondays.
7 moments menu: €75
4 moments menu: €50
Additional info
When booking, please inform if there are any dietary restrictions.
To make a booking, please call +351 916 177 333 or send an email to bookings@naperon.pt.
To benefit from this offer, you must present one of the following documents:
Stopover reserved area on FlyTAP
Booking management page under Manage Booking
Booking confirmation email (valid for bookings with TAP)
Booking with the Stopover indication on the TAP APP
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