50% discount on all Yellow Star Company productions
Founded in 2010 by Paulo Sousa Costa and Carla Matadinho, the Yellow Star Company is one of the leading entertainment companies in the Portuguese cultural sector, blazing a path that allows it to strengthen its position. The company is oriented towards the theatre in particular and has helped contribute to cultural decentralisation, taking its shows to a variety of performance spaces across all of Portugal.
The YSC has already produced a wide range of plays since opening its doors to the public. These include “Os 39 Degraus” [The 39 Steps], A Verdadeira História da Cigarra e da Formiga” [The True Story of the Cicada and the Ant], “Aladino e a Gruta Mágica” [Aladdin and the Cave of Wonders] — a musical on ice, “Zorro”, “Gisberta”, “A Loja das Lamparinas” [The Oil-Lamp Shop], “A Noite” [The Night], “Boeing Boeing”, “Vanya, Sonia, Masha and Spike” and “Casado à Força” [The Forced Marriage], the timeless classic by Molière, which was Paulo Sousa Costa’s directorial debut.
In addition, more family oriented plays such as "Alice in Wonderland", "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" and "Beauty and the Beast" were milestones for YSC. In fact, over 50,000 people came to see the latter production.
Since 2016, the YSC has been resident at the Armando Cortez Theatre (in Casa do Artista charity). Here it is responsible for planning all the evening performances.
In 2017, the Yellow Star Company plans to continue with its goal of bringing the theatre back to the people, drawing them back to an art form that only exists when it is shared with others.
That’s why we hope you choose to attend one of the productions.
“The Last Day of a Condemned Man”, adapted from the classic novel by Victor Hugo, with Virgílio Castelo.
It deals with the final hours of a man on death row, awaiting his imminent demise. It is a scathing critique of the death penalty, in which the author questions whether it is fair to commit the barbarous act of taking a person’s life, even if they are guilty of a bloody crime. Published in 1862, it is a manifesto for the abolition of the death penalty.
Armando Cortez Theatre, Lisbon
Up to 7 December.
Send an e-mail toreservas@yellowstarcompany.com or call (+351) 938 667 315 and let them know you are a Stopover Customer.
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