Flights from Belo Horizonte to France from USD 1,136

Best Flight Deals from Belo Horizonte to France

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*The fares shown have been updated in the last 48 hours and may no longer be available at the time of booking. Additional fees and charges may apply for optional products and services.

Best Flight Deals from Belo Horizonte to France

Best Flight Deals from Belo Horizonte to France
Fare Type
FromBelo Horizonte (CNF)ToParis (ORY)Round-trip
23/07/2025 - 28/08/2025


USD 1,136*

Viewed 17 hours ago

From Belo Horizonte To Paris Fare Type Round-trip Economy Dates 23/07/2025 - 28/08/2025 From USD 1,136 Viewed 17 hours ago

*The fares shown have been updated in the last 48 hours and may no longer be available at the time of booking. Additional fees and charges may apply for optional products and services.

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