Ganhar Asas Programme

Did you know that 10 to 40% of the adult population is afraid to fly?

Nowadays fear of flying (or aerophobia) affects millions of people all over the world, having an impact on their quality of life, stopping them from going to places they have always dreamt of visiting or interfering with their professional career. 

Imagine if you could fly anywhere. 

Leave behind your fear of flying, there’s a world out there that can’t wait to meet you. 

If there’s nothing you want more than to see the world for yourself, this programme will help you.

In order for you to get there in total peace of mind, and without the usual discomfort caused by your fears, TAP has created the “Ganhar Asas” Programme

Swap anxiety for peace of mind during your flight 

The airplane is a means of transport that causes enormous fascination and desire to travel in most people. However, for others it may trigger feelings of insecurity, anxiety and fear. If this is what you feel whenever you contemplate climbing aboard, then join us on this programme. 

The programme is intended for those who: 
  • have never flown before; 
  • have already flown before, but then stopped doing so because it made them uncomfortable;
  • have continued to fly, but feel uncomfortable and anxious whenever they do. 

We love flying and want you to fly with us 

This program was developed in collaboration with TAP group's Integrated Healthcare Unit (UCS - Unidade de Cuidados Integrados de Saúde) and has a specialized and multidisciplinary team that will help you overcome your phobia and travel more comfortably.


The Ganhar Asas programme is conducted by a highly specialised team of professionals.
  • 2 clinical psychologists;
  • 1 TAP captain;
  • 1 TAP flight attendant;
  • 1 TAP aeronautical maintenance engineer. 

Before starting the Program, a psychological assessment will be carried out with the aim of diagnosing the difficulties associated with the flight phobia and evaluating the aptitude to carry out the Ganhar Asas Program.

Content and Activities of the Programme
  • The psychological aspects of aerophobia; 
  • Anxiety management techniques; 
  • Technical aspects of flying; 
  • Procedures associated with the flight;
  • The flight and the cabin; 
  • Aircraft maintenance; 
  • Corrective maintenance.  

  • A session in a flight simulator; 
  • A visit to TAP plane mock-ups; 
  •  A visit to an aircraft undergoing maintenance; 
  • A flight from Lisbon/Madrid/Lisbon with the technical team;

Length of the Programme: 
  •  3 days.

  • Initial Assessment Consultation - 100€;
  • Course of the Ganhar Asas Programme - 450€.
Course price includes training, meals, support documentation and Lisbon/ Madrid/ Lisbon flights. 

  • After having taken part in the Ganhar Asas Programme, participants fly more often and in greater comfort;
  • The rate of participation on the air therapy flight is 97%; 
  • A decrease in overall anxiety, before and during the flight; 
  • A decrease in the physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety; 
  • The average yearly number of flights taken triplicates; 
  • Approximately 2 in every 3 participants who would normally take anxiety medication before or during their flight stop doing so. 
Minimum requirements of course: 
  • Maximum 12 participants.

Agenda for 2024:
  • October 10, 11 and 12;
  • November 21, 22 and 23.

For more detailed information, contact us at (+351) 218 436 332, Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 6 pm or via email [email protected].

TAP Portugal has the right to change the scheduled dates, with prior notice to the candidates enrolled in the course. For this reason, we suggest you to confirm in advance the dates of the courses. 

Testimonies of those who have participated in the program

“I went 20 years without flying. I did the Earn Your Wings course and earned much more than wings. I gained my FREEDOM! Thank you to the whole team.”
António de Albuquerque, 48
“I earned my wings and my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. My thanks go to the Earn Your Wings team and to my family too. Now we can fly on the wings of our desires.”
Maria Manuela Ramalho, 41
“I EARNED MY WINGS and TOOK OFF! It was a fantastic, unforgettable feeling of joy at having overcome my fear and being ready for a better quality of life.”
Ana Serrão, 28