Terms and Conditions – TAP Miles&Go Programme

The TAP Miles&Go Programme property of Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, S.A. (hereinafter "TAP Air Portugal") is a loyalty programme for TAP Air Portugal passengers. Members of the programme are credited with miles based on the flights they make with TAP Air Portugal or on how much use they make of the products and services offered by the programme's partners. The miles are credited in accordance with predefined rates and terms and conditions, and with the limitations presented here below.

Customers can earn TAP Miles&Go Miles, which can be used subsequently on a vast range of services, awards and benefits, which are subject to these terms and conditions.

Any alterations made to the TAP or TAP Miles&Go brands shall not affect any existing agreements concluded with natural or legal persons.

Membership of TAP Miles&Go Programme is free.

From 27/06/2019 onwards, the amount of the TAP Miles&Go Programme Award Tickets became flexible, i.e. the amount of miles required for issuing Award Tickets depends on supply and demand; the availability of seats in flights operated by TAP; the moment of the purchase and the periods of low or high demand, such as holidays and commemorative dates.

All necessary information for the issuance of the Award Tickets, such as the necessary number of miles, the national and international destinations available, the dates and times of the flights and the availability of seats, is available on the milesandgo.flytap.com website for Customer online consultation when searching for flight(s).

The Customer declares awareness of the fact that TAP Miles&Go does not predetermine prices for  Award Tickets or other prizes. The prices will be those available and displayed, upon prior consultation, on the milesandgo.flytap.com website. Among other factors, these prices take into account the availability of the prize on TAP flights or on partner airlines.

Note: Ticket-prize values for TAP Program TAP Miles&Go and prize availability, whether on TAP flights or on partner airlines, becomes dynamic.

These Terms and Conditions constitute the basic rules on participation in the TAP Miles&Go Programme and may be changed at any time. This version of the Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme is the latest version and currently in force.

This is the official version of the TAP Miles&Go Programme Terms and Conditions, which replaces the information and/or content relating to the Terms and Conditions on all platforms other than the TAP Air Portugal site.

The Terms and Conditions are originally written in Portuguese, but are also translated into English, French, Spanish and German. Only the Portuguese version is binding in matters of interpretation.

Whenever valid dates are mentioned for certain Programme benefits or promotions, these will be according to mainland Portugal time.

TAP Air Portugal can amend the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Any new rules or amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme shall become binding on all customers, including TAP Miles&Go Silver and TAP Miles&Go Gold customers, as soon as they are made available via internet.

Customer support in writing is available in five languages: Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish.

TAP Miles&Go are the currency unit in the TAP Miles&Go Programme. Bonus points or miles from other programmes cannot be converted into TAP Miles&Go Miles unless TAP has entered into a written agreement with that purpose with said programmes.

On joining the Programme, customers are entering into an agreement with TAP, governed by these Terms and Conditions, which set out the rights and obligations associated with membership of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.
TAP reserves the right to wholly or partially change or close the TAP Miles&Go Programme and/or any collaboration with any TAP Miles&Go Programme partners without notice at any time.
When using the telephone line, customers consent to the fact that calls may be recorded for the purpose of control and improving services.
Only the customer’s TAP Miles&Go membership number will be accepted for identification purposes.

Customers can join the TAP Miles&Go Programme by submitting the application form provided on this website or using a mobile app.

This membership is open to all individuals with more than two years of age who have read and accepted the Program Terms and Conditions.

Individuals under age, between 2 and 18 years old, may be customers as long as their parents, guardians or legal representatives correctly fill out the application to join the Program. The minors' representatives will be responsible for the account and use of the minor's card. TAP is exempt from any liability arising from the respective account management or their use of the card.

Membership is not open to legal persons or other groups or associations.
Only one TAP Miles&Go Account is allowed per customer.
Membership of the TAP Miles&Go Programme requires a TAP account and automatic membership of the basic level: TAP Miles&Go.
TAP Miles&Go Customers have the right to TAP Miles&Go Programme benefits only after their details are recorded on the TAP database.
Customers are solely responsible for informing any third parties, companies (such as their employer) or government body of their membership of the TAP Miles&Go Programme and the awards and benefits available to them under said Programme.
TAP Miles&Go Programme awards miles to its customers only and is not responsible for any agreements between customers and third parties (such as employers).

Customers are responsible for the regular management and monitoring of their account, both at credit and debit level.

Membership shall automatically cease in the event of termination of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.

TAP will erase all the holder's personal data, with the exception of the Individual Taxpayer Registration Number, which it will keep until the end of the calendar year in which the cancellation occurs.
If you cancel your TAP Miles&Go Account, you will not be able to open a new one during the calendar year in question.

TAP may terminate a Customer’s TAP Miles&Go membership with immediate effect if she:

  • Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions and/or other rules and regulations incorporated by reference, provided such terms, rules and regulations have been duly and timely communicated to the Customer. Without prejudice to any other rules or regulations, the rules for the use and stay at TAP's lounges are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions.
  • Attempts to obtain awards or benefits from the TAP Miles&Go Programme by providing false, improper or abusive information. The Customer who presents this type of information shall be liable for any resulting losses, and any TAP Miles&Go Miles falsely obtained will be declared null and void.;
  • To behave in a disorderly fashion on board or at TAP premises or in a way that violates the rules of access, use and stay at those facilities (including TAP lounges or any other spaces operated by TAP) or at the premises of any partner or airline participating in the TAP Programme TAP Miles&Go.
  • Grossly violating the duty to act in good faith, with respect and civility when interacting with TAP and its employees, through any of the communication channels provided by TAP, namely the Contact Center and social media. 

TAP may suspend TAP Miles&Go Programme accounts on suspicion of fraud, without TAP or any of its partners being penalised. If suspicions prove to be well-founded, the Customer may be excluded from the Programme without any prior notice and the miles of all purchased prizes as well as the bookings will be canceled and the Customer will not be permitted to hold the Programme card again or obtain benefits from the same. 

Fraud is confirmed in the following cases:

  1. The Customer trades their points with third parties, outside the rules provided in these regulations, including, but not limited to cases of irregular purchase or sale, or sale of air tickets or products/services purchased in whole or in part with miles;
  2. The Customer earns miles or uses the awards and benefits of the TAP Miles&Go programme or its partners by means of wilful deception;
  3. The Customer contributes to or makes irregular, inappropriate or suspicious use of their TAP Miles&Go Account, or causes harm to TAP or the TAP Miles&Go Programme or its Air, Commercial and Financial Partners;
  4. The Customer engages in any conduct contrary to the provisions of these Regulations or the Regulations of Partners.

TAP’s TAP Miles&Go Programme is designed as a benefit for its Customers. Customers who do not accept the rules, awards or benefits offered or simply wish to quit the Programme may terminate their membership by email at any time without notice.

Upon termination of membership, any miles earned up to that time and not used pursuant to these Terms and Conditions shall be declared null and void.

Termination of participation upon holder's death

TAP Miles&Go Accounts shall be automatically terminated in the event of their holders' death. Despite such termination, Miles&Go TAP miles credited on the closed account may be transferred, at no charge, to the deceased holder's heirs, provided that:

  1. Such transfer is requested to TAP in writing, with the identification of the TAP Miles&Go Account where such TAP miles are supposed to be transferred, along with the name of its holder;
  2. The Miles&Go TAP miles transfer request includes a copy of the corresponding Inheritance Deed and Death Certificate.

Access to TAP Miles&Go Programme awards and benefits is only granted on presentation of a Customer card and/or Customer number.

  • The TAP Miles&Go, Silver and Gold Cards are only available in digital format.
  • The TAP Miles&Go Customer can access the digital version of their Card, which is automatically updated, according to their status. This version of the card has a QR code that performs the same data checking functions as the magnetic strip of a regular card.

The Gold Card is Digital from 2 July 2018. On the first validation of the Card and for 30 days you can choose to receive an actual card without any additional charge – Grace Period.

  • Grace Period. How it works:
  • A period of 30 days during which the Customer may choose to request an actual card free of charge. After this period a fee of 25 euros is applied.
  • Available only on the first card validation.
  • On the second card validation, all Gold Customers will receive digital cards, although they can receive an actual card upon payment of a €25 fee.

TAP Miles&Go Customers should store their digital card in their mobile phone so they can identify themselves in transactions with TAP Miles&Go partners.

  • The cardholder is responsible for managing and correctly using the card, whether it be digital or physical.
  • The TAP Miles&Go Customer Card is personal and non-transmissible and may not be used after its expiry date or termination of TAP Miles&Go Programme membership.
  • Customers can view their mileage account online. Access is allowed only via a login using the TAP Miles&Go Customer Number and password.
  • TAP Miles&Go Customers must not share their personal account or password with third parties, including family members, employees or work colleagues.
  • The TAP Miles&Go Customer Account holder will be solely responsible for any damage or omissions in their personal account caused as a result of the misuse of access data. The rewards attributed to TAP Miles&Go Customers as holders of a TAP Miles&Go card cannot be accumulated jointly with the loyalty cards offered by TAP Miles&Go Programme partners.

You have 30 days to decide whether to keep your actual card. 

TAP Miles&Go is the TAP Miles&Go Programme's entry level, followed by TAP Miles&Go Silver and TAP Miles&Go Gold, respectively.

To be eligible for and to maintain TAP Miles&Go Silver status, TAP Miles&Go Customers must earn 30,000 Status Miles or, alternatively, make 25 TAP flights/segments during the Status Miles annual accounting period. It is required 20,000 Status Miles or to have flown 15 TAP flights/segments to remain a Silver Customer, during the Status Miles annual accounting period. In order to be eligible for Gold status, Customers need to collect 70,000 Status Miles or 50 TAP-operated flights/segments in one Status Miles year. It is required 50,000 Status Miles or to have flown 40 TAP flights/segments to remain a Gold Customer (including Status Match), during the Status Miles annual accounting period. Gold, Gold Corporate and/or campaign partners renew their tier by meeting all the criteria described under "Become a Gold Customer" (70,000 Status Miles or 50 segments on TAP flights).

The annual miles earning period is the period of time the Customer can be eligible for promotion to a higher Customer status or reaffirming his/her eligibility for the current status. This period is related to the Customer's date of accession of the program. Silver Customers flying TAP will earn 25% Status Miles based on total miles flown, in addition to their 25% Bonus Miles.

Gold Customers will earn 50% Status Miles based on total miles flown, in addition to their 50% Bonus Miles.

For Gold Customers who renew their status, the miles that were due to expire at the end of their Annual Accumulation Period, will be extended for another 12 months. This extension occurs on the miles' expiration date for each Customer. This benefit does not apply to Gold partners.
Example: A Gold Customer whose PMY is ending on September 30, has 20,000 miles expiring on September 30, 2020. On October 1, its status is renewed; on October 1, the 20,000 miles will be credited back on the account.

TAP Miles&Go Silver and TAP Miles&Go Gold membership is automatic as soon as the required number of miles has been earned.

Customers’ miles statement indicates the number of Status Miles earned.

Only Status Miles count towards TAP Miles&Go Silver and TAP Miles&Go Gold membership.

The accumulation of miles or segments is not allowed on Award Tickets, Miles Only tickets, Miles & Cash tickets or ticket categories ID, AD, BP, DG, DM, GE, IN, RG or UD (industry discount tickets) as defined by IATA standards.

Benefits available on all TAP and TAP Express-operated flights:

  • Discount - 20%1;
  • Basic - 50% (Intercontinental flights);
  • Classic - 70% (Europe and North Africa) and 100% (Intercontinental flights);
  • Plus - 100% (Europe and North Africa) and 150% (Intercontinental flights);
  • Executive - 150% (Europe and North Africa and Intercontinental flights);
  • Top Executive - 200% (Europe and North Africa and Intercontinental flights).

    1Discount – Tickets issued or reissued with Discount until October 31st, 2023, will not be part of the program that allows for the accumulation of miles. 

Miles cannot be earned on charter flights. Miles can be earned on code-share flights with a TP number (if operated by a TAP Miles&Go Programme partner airline).

Miles cannot be earned on bus, train or sea travel.

The accumulation of miles or segments is not allowed on Award Tickets, Miles Only tickets, Miles & Cash tickets or ticket categories ID, AD, BP, DG, DM, GE, IN, RG or UD (industry discount tickets) as defined by IATA standards.

Bonus Miles are only earned on TAP’s partner airlines.

Status Miles can only be accumulated on TAP flights and airlines affiliated to Star Alliance.

Bonus Miles can be redeemed for awards, but only Status Miles will be considered for TAP Miles&Go Silver or TAP Miles&Go Gold status purposes.

Miles are credited in accordance with the rules of the airline operating the flight.

Miles for use of services from selected TAP Miles&Go Programme partners are only credited on the booking, payment and usage terms set out by TAP Miles&Go Programme partners.

No miles are earned if a TAP Miles&Go Programme Customer obtains benefits from another loyalty programme for the service.

Miles credit is not available for Customers that have a MilesOnly or Miles&Cash ticket and upgrade it at the airport.

The booking class shown on the ticket may not be the same as that class used to count miles at partner and Star Alliance airlines. 

Extra Seat is not eligible for miles accumulation.

Once miles have been credited to the Customer's Account, the action becomes irreversible.

All Customers will have their own personal TAP Miles&Go mileage account to which the miles they earn or spend will be credited or debited.

As soon as they join, programme Customers will earn TAP Miles&Go for each flight on TAP or a partner airline or use of a service provided by TAP Miles&Go Programme partners, subject to these General Terms and Conditions. Miles must be claimed within six months of the date the service was provided.

However, if you have carried out any activities up to 6 months before the request date, you can claim miles by accessing your personal area on your online account. Only Bonus Miles will be granted if the activities were carried out before the enrolment date, and will not be taken into account for status upgrades/upkeep.

Customers have to wait for 8 days after flights made in the Star Alliance to claim miles for these flights.

To ensure the correct number of miles have been credited to the personal TAP Miles&Go account, the Customer must provide their TAP Miles&Go number when making the booking.

It is important for the name in the booking to be the same as that in the Customer’s TAP Miles&Go Account (first and last name), so that miles can be credited automatically.

It is the responsibility of the passenger to make sure that the name on the booking matches the one on their TAP Miles&Go Account so that their trip benefits will be acknowledged. Any name discrepancies will make it impossible to assign or enjoy any benefits.

TAP decides on the type and number of miles to be credited by each programme partner and for each service provided to the Customer. The type and number of miles to be credited are subject to change without notice.

The miles credited to the TAP Miles&Go Customer's personal account are calculated as follows:

  • Only on flights in TAP network and selected flights operated by TAP Miles&Go Programme partner airlines.
  • The number of miles is calculated on the basis of the flight’s departure and arrival airports and the fare (brand) purchased. The distances shall be based on the points of departure and arrival indicated on the passenger's ticket and IATA standards.
  • TAP Miles&Go are awarded for First, Executive and Economy Class travel. Silver and Gold Customers travelling on TAP will earn extra miles according to their tier level (TAP Miles&Go status). TAP does not have First Class. Some TAP Miles&Go partner airlines do operate this service, however.

Collection of miles for certain fares, products, flights or routes may be subject to restrictions.

The partner company may, at its initiative, exclude any fare or route used for major discounts.

Different booking classes and bonus factors may apply to Star Alliance airlines and other TAP Miles&Go Programme partner airlines.

TAP Miles&Go are valid for three (3) years from date of collection, except when otherwise specified. Some Bonus Miles (such as compensation miles and some promotions) may only be valid for one annual accrual period.

The validity of the miles is in accordance with the date of the activity for which they were awarded.

Before expiry, the validity of miles can be renewed for a fee paid by credit card. Renewed miles are considered Bonus Miles and are valid for another three (3) years.

For all Customers with miles that expire on the last day of the previous month, the expiration of those miles is processed in the early hours on the first day of each month (Mainland Portugal time). Example: If the expiry date is May 31, the miles will expire in the early hours of June 01. This process is not immediate; therefore, in the early morning of the first day of each month, the miles balance of an account with an ongoing expiration process may not reflect the updated balance for a few hours, showing the miles that are about to expire.  Customer accounts whose miles are about to expire will show the correct miles balance from 7 AM (Mainland Portugal time) on the first day of each month. 

Current offers of awards and benefits are available online, in mailings or from the TAP Miles&Go Customer Service Centre. 

TAP reserves the right to change, supplement or cancel individual awards and benefits offered by TAP Miles&Go Programme.

TAP Miles&Go Programme partner airlines and the TAP Miles&Go Programme partners may set out advance terms and conditions for bookings or for requesting awards or benefits. These advance terms and conditions may vary for each benefit or award.

When booking or requesting an award or benefit with/from a TAP Miles&Go partner airline or a TAP Miles&Go Programme partner, Customers are not entering into an agreement with TAP and TAP shall not be liable for proper provision of any services, fitness for any purpose or the quality of goods supplied as awards and/or benefits.

TAP accepts no liability for any taxes or other charges or disadvantages to which TAP Miles&Go Programme Customers may be subject in connection with the use of TAP Miles&Go or TAP Miles&Go awards and benefits.

All charges (airport, carrier surcharge, security or others) and credit card fees will be borne exclusively by the TAP Miles&Go Customer.

When booking or requesting an award or benefit, Customers must state in advance that they are booking an award or a benefit.

TAP and TAP Miles&Go partner airlines or TAP Miles&Go Programme partners may refuse to grant an award or benefit if the Customer has already booked a flight or service without clearly stating that the booking is for a TAP Miles&Go award or benefit.

Any award documents obtained illegally or in violation of these Terms and Conditions will not be honoured.

Seat availability for MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets varies according to destination and date. The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not yet fully booked. Restrictions may apply during certain periods and for certain award types.

All personal documentation submitted for travel is the Customer’s responsibility (ID, passport, visa or others).

Award flights expire within one (1) year of issue with the exception of those issued as part of a promotion, in which case they are only valid for the duration of the promotion. As for other benefits, they will remain in effect on the basis of their terms of validity, as specified in the document issued by the TAP Miles&Go Programme partner in question.

Awards and benefits issued cannot be transferred, replaced, renewed, changed or refunded, except when explicitly stated to the contrary in the individual booking arrangement or Terms and Conditions of TAP, the partner airline or TAP Miles&Go Programme partner as the case may be. Whenever an award or benefit is replaced, renewed or otherwise changed, the Customer may have to pay a handling fee.

An additional fee will be charged for the handling of MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets after a no-show.

Awards and benefits can be issued to a third party. This issue is only valid if the Customer receives no monetary compensation for the exchange.

MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets and upgrades may be issued in the name of a person other than the TAP Miles&Go account holder against written authorisation from the account holder. Customers with Gold or Navigator status are exempt from this sending.

After awards and benefits have been issued, it is not possible to change booking classes or routes. Only the date of travel or flight number (time) can be changed after awards and benefits have been issued.

Under the agreement between the Miles&Go Program and our Air Partners, certain cabins/classes of some partners are not available for booking rewards.

TAP Miles&Go Customers have access to additional status-dependent benefits when travelling with TAP Air Portugal. Flight benefits are understood to be related to the travel experience, such as:

  • Seat reservation;
  • Premium Check-in;
  • Priority boarding;
  • Extra luggage;
  • Fast Track;
  • Lounge access;
  • Last Minute Upgrade.

These benefits differ depending on flight destination and may be changed by TAP Air Portugal without prior notice.

The airport and trip benefits assigned to the Customer by the TAP Miles&Go Programme statuses (Silver or Gold) will be applied according to the status in effect at the time of the trip, and not at the time of booking.

Gold Customers have the additional advantage of being able to choose a partner to share their status. However, Customers who have achieved their Gold Status as part of our campaigns, promotions and other marketing actions, such as nominations, may be subject to specific conditions, including restrictions on regular benefits. Detailed information can be found in the Terms and Conditions of the campaigns in question. The partner they choose has to be a TAP Miles&Go Customer with a TAP Miles&Go or Silver status.

Once the person is nominated, they will enjoy most of the exclusive benefits of the Gold Customer who nominated them.

The Customer named as a Gold Partner cannot appoint another Gold Customer. Their Bonus Miles are not automatically extended and expire at the end of their validity period. They will not be able to claim the Year Off benefit.

The validity of his/her TAP Miles&Go Card is the same as that of the Gold Card of the Customer who chose him/her.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before signing a Club TAP Miles&Go.

By agreeing to join, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions described below. These Terms and Conditions are intended, along with the General Terms, Policies and Conditions of Use from Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, S.A. (available here), and Terms and Conditions from TAP Miles&Go Programme and other specific terms and conditions that may be communicated to the User on the website and any other (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”). 

These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time by Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, SA or by the TAP Miles&Go Programme, considering that such amendments take effect from the date of their publication. Subsequent access and use by the user will be considered an unequivocal sign that the user has read, accepted and understood the amended Terms and Conditions. By using these web pages or making a purchase through them, the Client is consenting to be bound by these conditions.

The TAP Miles&Go Club is for the Clients of the TAP Miles&Go Programme. This is a 12 (twelve) month plan, which promotes the attribution of Bonus Miles, Status, benefits and exclusive offers.


  • Registration with one of the Club TAP Miles&Go plans represents a commitment to loyalty and assumes acceptance of the twelve (12) month membership period.
  • It is not possible to purchase more than one plan at a time. Registration requires prior knowledge and acceptance by the customer of the Club TAP Miles&Go Terms and Conditions, as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.
  • Registration is neither reversible nor refundable.


  • Clients have 30 days to get their renewal miles bonus; 15 days before the end of the active TAP Miles&Go Club and 15 days after the end of the TAP Miles&Go Club.
    If the renewal occurs within 15 days before the end of the active TAP Miles&Go Club, the new one and its benefits will only become active when the previous one expires. The newly purchased TAP Miles&Go Club will be activated, and the renewal miles will be credited, after the end of the previous TAP Miles&Go Club.
  • Renewal requires prior knowledge and acceptance by the customer of the current specific applicable Club TAP Miles&Go Terms and Conditions, as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.
  • Renewal is neither reversible nor refundable.

Miles credits and benefits:

  • Miles credits for Club TAP Miles&Go plans only begin to count after joining the Club. Registration, monthly and renewal miles are Bonus Miles.
  • Status miles will only start to be counted after the first monthly miles credit. It is the accumulation of these miles that counts for the purpose of increasing status.
  • Bonus and Status Miles and benefits are personal and relate to the TAP Miles&Go account, with the active plan. Club TAP Miles&Go plans cannot be transferred between TAP Miles&Go accounts.
  • It is not possible to accumulate benefits with ground partners other than those identified in the plan purchased.
  • Clients receive welcome miles when joining and renewing their membership. After joining, clients accumulate monthly miles on the 20th of each month. During their Club TAP Miles&Go membership, clients can also accrue more miles along with the other benefits of their specific plan.
  • It is possible to earn the total miles announced within the 12 months of the plan and provided all requirements are met (registration miles + monthly miles + flight benefits).
  • The flight miles credit may not be combined with credits from other campaigns and/or offers.

Club TAP Miles&Go Basic:

  • Registration Bonus Miles – 2,000
  • Monthly Bonus Miles – 1,000
  • Monthly Status Miles – 50
  • Renewal Status Miles – 400
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 15% up to a maximum of 5,000 Bonus Miles during the duration of the plan.

Club TAP Miles&Go Extra Plan: 

  • Registration Bonus Miles – 4,000
  • Monthly Bonus Miles – 2,000
  • Monthly Status Miles – 100
  • Renewal Status Miles – 800
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 15% up to a maximum of 5,000 Bonus Miles during the duration of the plan.

Club TAP Miles&Go Top Plan:

  • Registration Bonus Miles – 8,000
  • Monthly Bonus Miles – 4,000
  • Monthly Status Miles – 200
  • Renewal Status Miles – 2,600
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 25% up to a maximum of 10,000 Bonus Miles during the duration of the plan.
  • Validity extension for up to 30,000 miles – the miles will remain in the account if your Club is active on their expiry date (since 2022/01/01).

Club TAP Miles&Go Platinum Plan:

  • Registration Bonus Miles – 16,000
  • Monthly Bonus Miles – 8,000
  • Monthly Status Miles – 400
  • Renewal Status Miles – 5,200
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 25% up to a maximum of 10,000 Bonus Miles during the duration of the plan.
  • Miles validity extension – the miles will remain in the account if your Club is active on their expiry date. 
  • Status: Access to Silver Benefits

Club TAP Miles&Go Platinum +:
This offer is valid when available for sale on the website and with a different price.

  • Registration Bonus Miles – 38,000
  • Monthly Bonus Miles – 10,000
  • Monthly Status Miles – 400
  • Renewal Status Miles – 5,200
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 25% up to a maximum of 10,000 Bonus Miles during the duration of the plan.
  • Extension of miles validity – miles will remain in the account if, on the expiry date of your miles, your Club is active.
  • Status: Access to Silver Benefits according to the conditions inherent to the tier per annual qualification period.

Price of plans:

  • The price of each plan will be the one stipulated at the time on our site.
  • The price charged to the customer is in Euros and is for the total amount of each plan.

Payment methods:

  • Credit Card - VISA, AMEX or Mastercard.

Customer support and other information:

  • For further information, please contact the TAP Miles&Go Help Centre via our helpline or e-mail.
Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before signing a Club TAP Miles&Go.

By agreeing to join, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions described below. These Terms and Conditions are intended, along with the General Terms, Policies and Conditions of Use from Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, S.A. (available here), and Terms and Conditions from TAP Miles&Go Programme and other specific terms and conditions that may be communicated to the User on the website and any other (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”). 

These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time by Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, SA or by the TAP Miles&Go Programme, considering that such amendments take effect from the date of their publication. Subsequent access and use by the user will be considered an unequivocal sign that the user has read, accepted and understood the amended Terms and Conditions. By using these web pages or making a purchase through them, the Customer is consenting to be bound by these conditions.

The TAP Miles&Go Club is for the Customers of the TAP Miles&Go Programme. This is a 12 (twelve) month plan, which promotes the attribution of Bonus Miles, Status, benefits and exclusive offers.


  • Registration with one of the Club TAP Miles&Go plans represents a commitment to loyalty and assumes acceptance of the twelve (12) month membership period.
  • It is not possible to purchase more than one plan at a time. Registration requires prior knowledge and acceptance by the customer of the Club TAP Miles&Go Terms and Conditions, as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.
  • Registration is neither reversible nor refundable.


  • Customers have 30 days to get their renewal miles bonus; 15 days before the end of the active TAP Miles&Go Club and 15 days after the end of the TAP Miles&Go Club.
    If the renewal occurs within 15 days before the end of the active TAP Miles&Go Club, the new one and its benefits will only become active when the previous one expires. The newly purchased TAP Miles&Go Club will be activated, and the renewal miles will be credited, after the end of the previous TAP Miles&Go Club.
  • Renewal requires prior knowledge and acceptance by the customer of the current specific applicable Club TAP Miles&Go Terms and Conditions, as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.
  • Renewal is neither reversible nor refundable.

Miles credits and benefits:

  • Miles credits for Club TAP Miles&Go plans only begin to count after joining the Club. Registration, monthly and renewal miles are Bonus Miles.
  • Status miles will only start to be counted after the first monthly miles credit. It is the accumulation of these miles that counts for the purpose of increasing status.
  • Bonus and Status Miles and benefits are personal and relate to the TAP Miles&Go account, with the active plan. Club TAP Miles&Go plans cannot be transferred between TAP Miles&Go accounts.
  • It is not possible to accumulate benefits with ground partners other than those identified in the plan purchased.
  • Customers receive welcome miles when joining and renewing their membership. After joining, Customers accumulate monthly miles on the 20th of each month. During their Club TAP Miles&Go membership, Customers can also accrue more miles along with the other benefits of their specific plan.
  • It is possible to earn the total miles announced within the 12 months of the plan and provided all requirements are met (registration miles + monthly miles + flight benefits).
  • The flight miles credit may not be combined with credits from other campaigns and/or offers.

Club TAP Miles&Go Extra Plan: 

  • Registration bonus miles – 2,000
  • Monthly bonus miles – 1,000
  • Monthly status miles – 50
  • Renewal bonus miles – 4,000 (double registration).
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 15% up to a maximum of 5,000 bonus miles during the duration of the plan.

Club TAP Miles&Go Top Plan:

  • Registration bonus miles – 4,000
  • Monthly bonus miles – 4,000
  • Monthly status miles – 200 
  • Renewal bonus miles – 8,000 (double registration).
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 25% up to a maximum of 10,000 bonus miles during the duration of the plan.
  • Validity extension for up to 30,000 miles – the miles will remain in the account if your Club is active on their expiry date (since 2022/01/01).

Club TAP Miles&Go Platinum Plan: 

  • Registration bonus miles – 12,000
  • Monthly bonus miles – 8,000
  • Monthly status miles – 400
  • Renewal bonus miles – 24,000 (double registration).
  • Additional Bonus Miles credit on TAP flights (percentage calculated on the number of miles accumulated and credited to the flight in question, this credit excludes the value of miles earned as a status bonus) - 25% up to a maximum of 10,000 bonus miles during the duration of the plan.
  • Miles validity extension – the miles will remain in the account if your Club is active on their expiry date. 
  • Status: Access to Silver Benefits according to the conditions inherent to the tier per annual qualification period.

Price of plans:

  • The price of each plan will be the one stipulated at the time on our site.
  • The price charged to the customer is in Euros and is for the total amount of each plan.

Payment methods:

  • Credit Card - VISA or Mastercard.

Customer support and other information:

  • For further information, please contact the TAP Miles&Go Help Centre via our helpline or e-mail.

Round trip Conditions

  • The Miles&Go Promo 200 miles for $12 discount is available online at flytap.com, and for Customers who have a TAP Miles&Go login/record when booking.
  • With Miles&Go Promo, passengers who redeem 200 miles will receive a $12 discount per passenger. (Eg. 2 passengers = 400 miles = $24 discount).
  • The value of this discount doubles for booked intercontinental flights originating on the American continent to European destinations (and vice versa).
  • The value of this discount doubles for booked intercontinental flights originating on the American continent (North and South America) to African destinations (and vice versa).

One-way trip conditions

  • The Miles&Go Promo discount, 100 miles = $6, is available online at flytap.com and for TAP Miles&Go Customers logged in/registered at the time of booking.
  • With Miles&Go Promo, 100 miles per passenger ensures a discount of $6 per passenger. (e.g. 2 passengers = 200 miles = $12 discount).
  • The value of this discount doubles for booked intercontinental flights originating on the American continent to European destinations (and vice versa).
  • The value of this discount doubles for booked intercontinental flights originating on the American continent (North and South America) to African destinations (and vice versa).

Other conditions

  • This offer is valid only on flights operated by TAP and TAP Express except on Ponte Aérea flights (Lisbon-Porto-Lisbon). 
  • Offer valid only for bookings through the site and for payment methods eligible for these discounts. Please note that if the system returns the message “Miles&Go Promo miles cannot be used with this form of payment. The discount will be removed” you will have to select the discount again and choose another form of payment.
  • The discount is applied per passenger and on the total price of the booking (fare, surcharges and taxes). Other products or services acquired during the booking (e.g. extra luggage, insurance, etc.) are excluded.
  • The total miles of the Miles&Go Promo discount are debited from the TAP Miles&Go Account used for the registration/login at the time the booking was made.
  • Miles used to obtain a discount are non-refundable (this condition does not apply in situations of cancellation, within 24 hours after the booking creation).
  • Offer open to all TAP Miles&Go Customers with a positive balance (>=0).
  • If there are not enough miles in the account for the discount, the account will be left with a negative balance. It will not be possible to purchase a Miles&Go Promo discount until there is a positive balance (>=0).
  • This discount is not valid for Award Tickets or children’s tickets.
  • This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts available while booking (e.g. Conference codes or Gift Vouchers).
  • With ATM paid bookings the miles will only be refundable if the booking is cancelled for lack of payment.

More Miles&Go Promo discounts

  • Offer valid for all TAP Miles&Go customers with balance (>3000) at the time of payment of a booking under Miles&Go Promo conditions (Booking made on flytap.com for flights operated by TAP and customer has logged in to their TAP Miles&Go account during the booking process).
  • Discount offer subject to the Customer having a positive miles balance and TAP Miles&Go login at the time of booking.
  • When confirming bookings purchased with a Miles&Go Promo or Time to Think discount, Customers with a balance greater than 3000 must login again to access more discounts.
  • TAP Store goods are not available in Brazil, the United States or Canada. 
  • Only miles that have previously been earned as part the TAP Miles&Go Programme may be used to purchase the products available at Store.flytap.com.
  • Choosing to pay in miles means you must pay the full price to purchase the products using only miles. You must have sufficient miles balance in your TAP Miles&Go Account to cover the total costs (products + shipping costs).
  • Miles used to purchase TAP Store products are subject to the refund conditions published at Store.flytap.com.
  • This purchase is also subject to all the terms of conditions of sale, which are available at Store.flytap.com

Miles required to cover shipping costs:

Zone Charge Miles
PT Mainland and Islands From 4.99 € From 1.248 
Europe From 12 €< From 3,000
Rest of the World From 24 € From 6,000

When a ticket is issued, the miles related to the award proceed from the miles account. Waiting lists are not allowed, except for Gold Customers.

All TAP Miles&Go Customers who book their award trip through the TAP Miles&Go Assistance Center and who wish to issue tickets for others must, depending on the TAP Miles&Go Assistance Center's instructions, send a signed authorization or provide the TAP Miles&Go Assistance Center with a validation code, which, during the booking process, will be sent to the email or cell phone associated with the account. Customers with Gold or Navigator status are exempt from this procedure.

The procedure aims to enable the safe usage of miles in the Customers' accounts, ensuring that there will be no issuance without permission.

Signed authorizations are due to arrive within 24 hours after booking for the booking to be confirmed.

The booking will be cancelled if authorisation is not emailed to [email protected] within the time limit.

In the case of a validation code, it will be sent to the email and/or cell phone associated with the TAP Miles&Go Customer Account. TAP is not responsible for the incorrect indication, use and/or sharing of contact details associated with TAP Miles&Go Customer Accounts. 

Tickets issued through the TAP Miles&Go Assistance Center can be paid for by credit card, ATM, and compensation refund vouchers. Tickets issued through the website are payable by credit card or ATM.

For tickets issued at a TAP counter in Brazil, the calculation of the foreign currency value into Reais will comply with the exchange rate on the day of purchase.

It is not possible to change flights on award bookings from canceled TAP Miles&Go Accounts.

Tickets will be issued immediately after booking. 

MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets cannot be associated with upgrades unless they are paid for at the check-in or boarding gate.

Validity of MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets is subject to special published conditions, depending on the applicable rules:

  • For unrestricted MilesOnly and Miles&Cash tickets: valid for 1 (one) year from date of issue. However, changes to the date, time, flight number and class * are allowed after the ticket has been issued and while it remains valid upon payment of a administration fee - see values here. As passengers, Gold Customers and TAP Visa Platinum cardholders are exempt from this penalty.
  • As restricted MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets issued as part of promotions or promotion codes are specific to each promotion period, their rules will be indicated before and during the online booking process

* Only if there is no availability in the original flight class on the new date on payment of Award Miles in executive class.

Example: A ticket issued on August 31, 2022, is valid until August 30, 2023. Thus, for a voluntary change requested on January 04, 2023, the flights must be completed by August 30, 2023.

Stopovers are not allowed.

Return flights: maximum 4 segments.

One-way flights: maximum 2 segments.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year.

The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

These awards may not be available on all flights.

Children’s Tickets are for passengers aged between 2 and 11 (two and eleven) years old.

Regardless of table (Miles&Cash or MilesOnly) for which the ticket is issued, child ticket discounts will always be 25% off the cost in miles in the adult table.

Award miles are debited from the miles account when the ticket is issued. 

Once the ticket is issued, you can change the flight's date, time and class* upon payment of a penalty, from which Gold Customers and TAP Visa Platinum cardholders are exempt (as passengers).

* Only if there is no availability in the original flight class on the new date on payment of Award Miles in executive class.

Route changes are not allowed.

Children’s tickets cannot be associated with miles promotions or upgrades.

Children from 5 to 11 years of age can travel alone on advance payment of a special assistance charge. Please contact the TAP Miles&Go Customer Service Centre

Return flights: maximum 4 segments.

One-way flights: maximum 2 segments.

Stopovers are not allowed.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year.

The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

These awards may not be available on all flights.

This benefit is available to all TAP Miles&Go Gold Customers flying with a charged one-way or round-trip TAP ticket.

Companion tickets are not valid for children and can only be issued for travel on the same flight and date and in the same class as the Gold Customer.

Available only on MilesOnly Tickets.

The miles are discounted from the TAP Miles&Go account of the Gold Customer who travels with a companion. The companion ticket discount should be at most 40%, based on the MilesOnly table.

Service charges are paid per passenger.

MilesOnly and Miles&Cash Tickets for flights with TAP and Award Tickets for flights with Star Alliance and TAP Miles&Go partners are subject to a service charge on the issue of tickets online or at the TAP Miles&Go Customer Service Centre or TAP outlets. This charge is non-refundable and is different at each ticket issuing location:

TAP Miles&Go Service Centre or TAP outlets:
Air Bridge (Lisbon-Porto) – 15 (fifteen) EUR.
Continental Tap Flights – 25 (twenty-five) EUR.
Intercontinental Tap Flights – 40 (forty) EUR.
Flights with Star Alliance and other Continental airline partners – 40 (forty) EUR.
Flights with Star Alliance and other Intercontinental airline partners – 50 (fifty) EUR.

Air Bridge (Lisbon-Porto) – 0 (zero) EUR
Continental TAP Flights 15 – (fifteen) EUR.
Intercontinental TAP Flights – 25 (twenty-five) EUR.
Flights with Star Alliance and other Continental airline partners – 25 (twenty-five) EUR.
Flights with Star Alliance and other Intercontinental airline partners – 40 (forty) EUR.

After the ticket has been issued, only the date, time or flight number can be changed. Class or route cannot be changed.

All MilesOnly Tickets can be cancelled up to 24 hours prior to departure, provided that they are still valid and have not been partially used. Miles can be put back with their original validity. 

All the Miles&Cash tickets can be cancelled up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure time as long as they have not been partially used, and are still valid. The miles can be returned with the initial validity date and the cash amount refunded.

If a flight is booked in Executive Class, Executive Class miles will apply to the entire trip. 

If a flight is booked in First Class, First Class miles will apply to the entire trip.

Star Tickets are valid for the holder of the TAP Miles&Go Account or for a person of their choice and can be booked on TAP or any partner airline, can only be combined with TAP flights.

Return flights: maximum 6 segments.

One-way flights: maximum 3 segments.

Award Tickets cannot be associated with upgrades.

Once the ticket has been issued, it is possible to change the date and time of the flights, but changes in the route are not allowed. Changes are possible upon payment of an administrative fee of 60 €, subject to availability of existing seats in award classes. If there is no availability for rescheduling within the validity of the ticket, the option available to the Customer will be the refund of valid miles upon payment of an administrative fee. 
The TAP Miles&Go Programme cannot be held responsible for the lack of availability of award seats for rebooking. Gold Customers and holders of the TAP Visa Platinum card are exempt from payment.

Validity of Award Tickets: one year after issue.

Some periods may not be available on some airlines.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year. The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

These awards may not be available on all flights.

Tickets with TAP Miles&Go Programme Partners are valid for the holder of the TAP Miles&Go Account or for a person of their choice and can be booked on TAP or any partner airline, can only be combined with TAP flights.

Return flights: maximum 6 segments.

One-way flights: maximum 3 segments.

Award Tickets cannot be associated with upgrades.

Once the ticket has been issued, it is possible to change the date and time of the flights, but changes in the route are not allowed. Changes are possible upon payment of an administrative fee of 60 €, subject to availability of existing seats in award classes. If there is no availability for rescheduling within the validity of the ticket, the option available to the Customer will be the refund of valid miles upon payment of an administrative fee. 
The TAP Miles&Go Programme cannot be held responsible for the lack of availability of award seats for rebooking. Gold Customers and holders of the TAP Visa Platinum card are exempt from payment.

Validity of tickets with TAP Miles&Go Programme Partners: one year after issue.

Some periods may not be available on some airlines.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year. The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

These awards may not be available on all flights.

Round-the-world tickets are available for travel in economy or Business Class only on scheduled flights operated by Star Alliance carriers.

The award journey must be in one direction only, east or west, and end in the country in which it began.

A Round-the-World trip must include one Pacific and one Atlantic crossing.

A maximum of 10 segments with a maximum of six intermediate stopovers in any city is allowed.

No more than one international departure and arrival is allowed in the country of origin.

Backtracking (reversing the direction of travel in which the journey began to make a connection and continue to the next destination) is only allowed if required by the Star Alliance network.

Open jaw travel (return trip in which the destination airport and return departure airport are different) is allowed.

Booking and issuances should be done at the TAP Miles&Go Customer Service Centre or TAP outlets.

Award miles are debited from the miles account when the ticket is issued.

After a ticket has been issued, Customers can change schedules but not routes.

Round-the-World tickets are valid for 12 months from date of issue and the last flight must begin on the last day of validity of the ticket.

If an award trip is taken in different classes, the highest award rates will apply to the whole ticket.

Round-the-World cannot be combined with upgrades. No new partial or total credits of miles are allowed after the journey has started.

Star Alliance Round the World award trips are subject to the TAP Miles&Go award eligibility and other conditions, with the exception of those mentioned above.

Seat availability for awards varies according to destination and time of year. The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked. These awards may not be available on all flights.

Please contact your TAP Miles&Go Service Centre.

The MilesOnly and Miles&Cash tickets for TAP flights and the Award Tickets for Star Alliance and TAP Miles&Go TAP partners flights can be canceled up to 24 hours before departure.

If the passenger requests a miles and fees refund in a No-Show situation, they will also have to pay the associated penalty (no passenger is exempted from this fee). The amounts will be charged per passenger. 

No-show charge: there will be a handling fee of EUR 100 (USD 100) per passenger in the event of a no-show.

In situations of involuntary cancellation due to irregularities in the operation of the company, the miles will be refunded without penalty within their validity. If the refunded miles have expired, TAP may extend them for another 1 PMY as a courtesy. 

Miles cannot be refunded if the journey has already begun.

There is an administrative fee to return miles that varies depending on the route and customer status.

Miles are re-credited with their original validity. If the issued ticket has miles whose validity has already expired, they will remain in the Customer's account with expired validity and cannot be used. Only the miles that are still valid are available in the Customer's balance.

This information is also given during the online booking process, in the email booking confirmation and in contacts with the TAP Miles&Go Service Centre.

Miles used to pay for part of your flights (Slider) are non-refundable.

On Award Tickets, the carrier surcharge (YR) and the fee (YQ) are non-refundable.

The Award Tickets service fee is non-refundable.

Miles used to upgrade to a higher class cannot be used in combination with other awards.

The same number of miles is required for adults and children.

The maximum per online request is one segment for four passengers.

All conditions applicable to the fare originally paid remain unchanged, this means that changing the booking (change of date or cancellation), even after the upgrade has been carried out, will always depend on the original conditions of the fare that was paid.

Administrative fees:
Change: €50.00.
Cancellation: €75.00.
Exemption: Gold and Navigator. As the owners of the account used for issuance, Gold and Navigator Customers are exempt from this fee. This exemption applies as long as the account maintains its status at the time of the change request.
If the Customer's miles are expiring, they will maintain their initial expiry date - that is, if the expiry date has already passed, the miles will not be returned to the Customer's account, so the miles refund should be requested before their expiry date. 

The TAP Miles&Go Miles earned will be based on the original class or fare.

Miles spent on upgrades will be counted and debited per flight segment.

Miles used for upgrades will be paid for by segment.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year.

The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

Upgrades are not available for group bookings.

The Last Minute Upgrade is only available at the boarding gate, before the beginning of boarding operations. It may not be available on all routes and/or flights for operational reasons.

The Last Minute Upgrade is only available to the account holder who is traveling.

Star Alliance upgrades must be requested up to 24 hours before departure except for the following airlines:

  • ANA: up to 56 days before departure
  • Asiana: only on date of travel

Upgrades are only available in certain fare types and may vary between carriers

Paying fare types that can be upgraded to Business Class are Y and B. Those that can be upgraded to First Class are C and D.

Miles can only be used for upgrades to the class immediately above that of the ticket purchased.

Upgrades may not be used in combination with other awards.

The same number of miles is necessary for adults or children.

The same conditions of the original ticket apply, including the number of miles earned. 

Miles spent on upgrades will be counted and debited per flight segment.

The airline operating the flight must be contacted directly for the purpose of cancellation or rebooking of upgrades.

The TAP Miles&Go Programme has a handling fee (75 euros) for refunding miles used on upgrades with Star Alliance, in the event of cancellation. 

If rebooked, Star Alliance upgrades are not transferable.

A new upgrade must be requested after a new flight has been booked and is again subject to availability.

Seat availability varies according to destination and time of year.

The number of seats is limited even on flights that are not fully booked.

Customers will earn a fixed number of miles as indicated by TAP on this website for a particular predefined group.

TAP, through TAP Miles&Go Programme, reserves the right to make special offers that will only be available to Customers who submit the appropriate registration on the specified date and before the start of the flight or other service. These registrations shall be made online. The TAP Miles&Go Programme will provide registration channels.

Customers registering after the specified date or start of the flight or other service, Customers who fail to register or do not have a valid email address will not be entitled to the benefits of online registration.

With their consent, Customers may be informed of promotions exclusively by electronic mail (e-mail) and/or text message, or through the website.

TAP and the TAP Miles&Go Programme partner airlines reserve the right to fully or partially exclude certain fare types, forms of payment, passenger categories, flights or flight categories from the TAP Miles&Go Programme at any time.

Holders of ID, AD, DG, DM, GE, IN, RG or UD tickets are not entitled to TAP Miles&Go Card benefits.

When miles are used to upgrade to a higher class, they will be credited for the fare originally booked.

Miles are normally credited to Customers' personal TAP Miles&Go accounts within eight (8) weeks of the flight/service on which they were earned. Miles are credited for TAP flights within two days of travel. The value date of these miles is the date of the start of the journey or service.

If, for any reason, miles are not credited for a flight taken or a service used, Customers can ask for the amount be credited retroactively to their personal TAP Miles&Go account up to six (6) months after the flight or use of the service on the TAP Miles&Go website (see Claim missing miles). They will be required to provide appropriate proof (copy of boarding pass, and/or copy of passenger or TAP Miles&Go partner service receipt).

Transfers of miles from TAP Miles&Go Programme partners to accounts other than those of the card holder are not allowed.

TAP reserves the right to refuse to credit or debit the amount of miles transferred if the first or last name of the person requesting the transfer does not match that of the number of the TAP Miles&Go Customer indicated.

TAP will not be held liable, in these situations, for any consequences of miles not being credited to a Customer’s personal account.

Once loyalty programme miles have been transferred from partner companies, they cannot be returned to the customer's account at the partner company. Similarly, miles acquired through the purchase of partner products and services may not be transferred to other loyalty programmes.

Customers will regularly receive communications via electronic mail (e-mail) with their current miles balance and their validity and, with their consent, will be informed of recent promotions and news published on the website.

These newsletters are sent by e-mail to Customers who have provided a valid e-mail address.

Customers may, at any time, unsubscribe from receiving these newsletters and/or any other e-mails from the TAP Miles&Go Programme by changing their profile options through the website.

Miles Store transactions are non-reversible. Read the conditions carefully before advancing with a transaction.

The Miles Store allows you to purchase, extend or transfer miles to another TAP Miles&Go account. It also allows you to convert Bonus Miles into Status Miles.

Buying, transferring, extending the validity or converting Bonus Miles into Status Miles is only allowed in blocks of 2,000 miles.

TAP Miles&Go Miles cannot be redeemed for cash.

These transactions have an associated charge. Payment is by credit card. The valid credit cards for these transactions are those available in the market where transactions are performed. In some markets these transactions may be subject to an international processing fee.

Purchase and Transfer

The frequency of purchases and the number of miles to be purchased is limited, as are transfers, extension and conversion.

The maximum limit for purchase of miles is 200.000 miles per year.

Maximum transfer of miles per year is 20.000 miles.

All miles purchased, transferred or which have their expiry date extended are considered Bonus Miles and are not refundable.

All miles purchased and transferred are valid for one more qualifying period, at least another twelve months.

The transfer of miles is only possible between TAP Miles&Go accounts and the miles are credited in the account indicated for the transfer. The charge associated with this transaction is paid by the Customer who transfers the miles. 

Extension of validity

Extending the validity of miles is only applicable to the number of Bonus Miles about to expire and is made in blocks of 2,000 miles. The difference in the value of miles selected in the block is not credited.

The mile validity extension feature is not available for retroactive expiry periods. This transaction must be completed before the expiry date of the miles.

This extension of validity is only possible for the miles that are expiring on the next miles expiry date. Extended miles will be valid for another 3 qualifying periods (3 years).


Converting Bonus Miles into Status Miles allows you to achieve a higher status or maintain the present status. This transaction may be carried out in cases where the Customer cannot reach the required Miles Status threshold by the end of the annual qualification period. This transaction has an associated charge payable by the Customer through credit card that should be made by the end of the Customer's accrual period.

The conversion of Bonus Miles to Status Miles can only be done in 2,000 mile blocks, with each block of 2,000 Bonus Miles worth 50% of Status Miles (i.e. 1,000 Status Miles).

The frequency of the conversion of Bonus Miles into Miles Status as well as the number of miles to be converted is limited to the annual miles earning period and according to the TAP Miles&Go Customer status (Miles, Silver and Gold).

The Bonus Mile to Status Miles conversion feature will not be available for retroactive Status Mile earning periods.

If you are Miles and want to move up to Silver:

  • You must have at least 25,000 Status Miles in the account, which can be converted;
  • You can convert up to 10,000 Bonus Miles into 5,000 Status Miles;
  • You need 30,000 Status Miles to attain Silver status.

If you are Silver and want to maintain this status:

  • You must have at least 15,000 Status Miles in the account, which can be converted;
  • You can convert up to 10,000 Bonus Miles into 5,000 Status Miles:
  • To remain Silver you need 20,000 Status Miles.

If you are Silver and want to move up to Gold:

  • You must have at least 60,000 Status Miles that can be converted;
  • You can convert up to 20,000 Bonus Miles, which become 10,000 Status Miles;
  • You need 70,000 Status Miles to attain Gold status.

If you are Gold and want to maintain this status:

  • You must have at least 45,000 Status Miles in the account, which can be converted;
  • You can convert up to 10,000 Bonus Miles into 5,000 Status Miles;
  • To remain Gold you need 50,000 Status Miles.

If you are Gold and want to move up to Navigator:

  • It is not possible to do so by converting Bonus Miles into Status Miles;
  • To become Navigator, you need 125,000 Status Miles or 70 TAP flights. In both cases, 10 flights will have to be made on the Plus, Executive and Top Executive fares.

If you are Navigator and want to maintain this status:

  • It is not possible to do so by converting Bonus Miles into Status Miles;
  • To remain Navigator you need 100,000 Status Miles or 70 TAP flights. In both cases, 10 flights will have to be made on the Plus, Executive and Top Executive fares.

Signing up to and using the TAP Miles&Go Programme Account means that the Customer’s personal data – identity, contact details, data on trips acquired, miles credited and purchases made through the TAP Store.

This personal data will be processed by TAP, as the responsible body, for the purpose of managing TAP Miles&Go Programme membership and the operation of the TAP Miles&Go Programme (allocation and crediting or miles).

All this data is required for the TAP Miles&Go Programme to work. With your permission, TAP may also use the data to which it has access, to define your Customer profile in order to:

  • Define new services/products;
  • To send adverts, campaigns and promotional coupons that are adjusted to the Customers’ interests and preferences, based on the analysis of their profile and purchase history. 

TAP may also, with the Customer’s permission, send marketing communications about TAP products and services.

Personal data will be retained by TAP for as long as the Customer remains a member of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.

In the context of the TAP Miles&Go Programme, TAP will provide personal data to subcontractors (including those who manage the TAP Store platform) for the purposes mentioned, in accordance with agreements entered into with them, as well as to TAP Miles&Go Programme partners and airlines and to competent bodies as defined by law.

TAP Miles&Go Programme partners and airline partners may be located in countries that do not guarantee, in the terms of the law, an adequate level of protection. In such cases, TAP ensures they adopt the legal and contractual measures required to guarantee the protection and confidentiality of personal data. The Customer may obtain additional information about the measures adopted in point “10. What security measures do we implement?” of our Privacy Policy.

Under the terms of the law the Customer can at any time request access to any personal information, and to correct, delete or contest its treatment, the portability of their data1, or refuse permission for it to be processed, directly through the Customer Area. For the Customer’s security, proof of identity must be sent to the TAP Miles&Go Service Centre before personal data can be altered.

The Customer may use the above mentioned means to withdraw consent for the processing of his data. However, this does not invalidate any processing by TAP up to that date and based on consent previously provided.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, the Customer has the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority in accordance with the law should they consider their data is not being processed in a legitimate manner, in accordance with the terms outlined above.

For more information about TAP’s data processing terms the Customer should consult our Privacy Policy or alternatively contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

1The right to portability is limited to the right of the data subject to receive personal data relating to them and which he has provided to a responsible body for processing (in this case TAP), in a structured format that is up to date and automatically read, and to the right to transmit such data to another responsible body without the person to whom the personal data has been supplied being able to prevent it. Where technically possible, the owner of the data has the right to have it transmitted directly between the responsible bodies for processing.

Online access to your personal TAP Miles&Go account requires a user name and password.

The password can be recovered on the site in the “Forgot your password?” area.

Customers may change their TAP Miles&Go Account password at any time in the “My Profile” area.

Customers will have three attempts to enter the correct password. On a fourth failed attempt, TAP Miles&Go Account access will be available only through the “Forgot your password?” area.

Local law in some countries may place restrictions on Customers and/or the Terms and Conditions of the TAP Miles&Go Programme. TAP, the administrator and the TAP Miles&Go Programme partners and their suppliers are entitled to take any action required to ensure compliance with such restrictions and cannot be held liable for losses suffered by Customers as a result of these actions.

TAP reserves the right to entrust the operation of the TAP Miles&Go Programme to successor companies or to a third party and to transfer agreements with programme Customers to such successor companies or to a third party to that end.The Programme may be changed on the basis of TAP alliance strategies.

TAP reserves the right to introduce fees for services related to the programme, such as providing specific Programme information or handling of award bookings.

The TAP Miles&Go Programme is subject to Portuguese law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the Lisbon courts of law in Portugal.

On accessing and using the TAP Miles&Go Programme you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.

Please read this section carefully before using this website. The clarification herein has been prepared solely to provide information about TAP, its TAP Miles&Go frequent flyer programme and its partners. It does not constitute, offer or sell guarantees and should not be considered in any investment decision. TAP reserves the right to change any of the content in this website at any time without notice.

The information herein is provided "as is" without any guarantees or conditions, either statutory, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied guarantees of ownership, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. TAP will make reasonable efforts to include current, accurate information whenever possible, but makes no guarantees or representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Please be aware that the information contained in this website may be inaccurate or out of date or contain typing errors.

Under no circumstances will TAP, its affiliates, servicing agencies and partners or their employees be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or injury resulting from or related to the use or performance of this website.

This website may contain links and frames to other websites that are not maintained or controlled by TAP. TAP shall not be held responsible or liable for the content of those sites. Third party links and frames are included for user convenience only and the inclusion of said links and frames in the TAP website does not imply TAP's endorsement of these websites, webpages, functionalities and their content or any association with their owners.

In relation to the above, this website is owned, maintained and operated by TAP. The contents, including but not limited to icons, images, graphics, text and functionalities on this site, are copyrighted materials. The copyrighted materials, trademarks and trade names are the exclusive property of TAP, its subsidiaries, supplier agencies and associates.

On accessing this website, the user undertake not to copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create works or publicly display any content from this website and not to insert or implement any link to this website in any website owned, maintained and operated by you or your employer without prior express written permission from TAP or appropriate third parties, except for your personal information, provided that copies of these materials retain all copyright and any other proprietary notices contained in the original material.

Therefore, the user also undertake not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this website. You further undertake not to take any action that places an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the TAP Miles&Go Programme’s internet infrastructure.

Customers can access their personal TAP Miles&Go accounts online. TAP may make further online services available to its Customers within the framework of the TAP Miles&Go Programme.

On accessing the TAP Miles&Go programme website, Customers undertake not to use any robots, spiders or other automatic devices or manual processes to monitor or copy pages. Customers further undertake not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of website. They further undertake not to take any action that places an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the TAP Miles&Go Programme infrastructure.

The information, software, products and services included in or available via the TAP Miles&Go website may include inaccuracies or typing errors.

TAP reserves the right to communicate with Customers in English in transactions or services provided on the website.

Under no circumstances will TAP, its affiliates, servicing agencies and partners or their employees be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential losses or any losses whatsoever including, without limitation, loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected to the use or the performance of the TAP Miles&Go programme website, with any delay or the inability to use the website or related services, or otherwise arising out of the use of the website.

The TAP Miles&Go website provides exclusive clarification about TAP and its loyalty programme and partners. It does not constitute, offer or sell guarantees and should not be considered in any investment decision.

TAP reserves the right to change any of the content on its websites at any time without notice.

Use of this website may be monitored for statistical purposes.

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