Associate your Customer number with your trip booking!

Sweet trips that earn a lot of miles!

Make sure every trip counts

The miles you earn with your trips are Status Miles, which enable you to maintain or upgrade your status and provide access to various benefits.

Make sure that the name entered in your booking matches the name in your TAP Miles&Go profile. If you wish to change the name on your TAP Miles&Go profile, please contact us via our Contact Center.

How to do it?

1. Enter your flight details

Fill in all your flight booking details.

2. Select TAP Miles&Go

In the “Passengers” tab, which is located in the “Frequent Passenger Program” field, select TAP Miles&Go.

Illustration consisting of several elements: To the left, a green passport with a globe in the center, drawn in white lines. In the center, a white TAP Miles&Go client card with 'Miles&Go' and a client number written on it. Hanging above the client number there is a white dialogue balloon that reads: TP 000 000 000. The card's lettering and design are green. In the card's upper left corner there is a TAP logo. On the right side of the picture there is a computer with a white TAP card leaning against the screen.
3. Enter your Customer number

Enter your TAP Miles&Go Customer number in the “Frequent Passenger Number” field.

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For security reasons, your session will be automatically closed within the specified period. To renew your session, we ask that you log in again.